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Etymology ~ The Video Series


A few weeks ago I posted an article called Common Words with Uncommon Origins, about odd word etymologies. I’ve since decided to make it into a series, with a corresponding video series. The first video in the series has shortened explanations of the words from the above article (for all the lazies out there ;P). See the video above and be sure to tell your friends!

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Christmas Survey


This will be a very short post, a snippet if you will:

Although Christmas is still a ways away, I need some opinions from readers for an upcoming uphsnews article.
The topic of the article will be:

  • What  are your favorite holiday activities, traditions, and memories?
  • Your answers can be stories, movies, whatever you feel is fitting.

Give good responses in the comments, because they may be quoted in the article!


Common Words with Uncommon Origins


The English language is somewhat of an enigma.  For some reason we call a game which calls for holding a ball football, and a game that calls for kicking a ball soccer. The word used to talk about oneself, I, is pronounced the same way as a body part, eye. And just think about how many more variations in meaning exist because of connotation and denotation! English, as with any other language, has evolved over time to create a complex and sometimes mind-boggling finished product. Here are three common words along with their odd origins: Read the rest of this entry

Behind the Scenes: UPHS Marching Band



The UPHS Marching Band performing at a Friday home football game. The UPHS Marching Band performing at a Friday home football game.

by Lauren Alcindor 2017

Marching Band invokes a classic image of a football field and enthusiastic performers in most people’s minds. One does not usually contemplate all of the moving parts in the background of this well-oiled machine. Each part, from the players and performers, to the instructors and parents are absolutely necessary for the success of the group. As a member of the UPHS Marching Band, I have an exclusive look at the inner workings that help to create the riveting performances every Friday.

The most prominent direct influences on a student’s Marching Band experience are their instructors, be that band or color guard. Instructors have to be dedicated to the group, and not everyone is cut out for the job. They must sacrifice free time, endure the stresses of being a leader, and try to make the…

View original post 571 more words

Social Media Influence in UPHS



Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, loaded on a computer.Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, loaded on a computer.

by Lauren Alcindor 2017

It seems as if every young generation has its fads, and this generation’s technological revolution appears to be heading in that direction. Everyone has their own opinions on the subject, and perspectives between student and teacher tend to differ dramatically.

Americans spend hundreds of hours yearly on social media, and a huge portion of that user base is teens and young adults. Therefore, it makes sense to reason that teens have many viewpoints about the subject, and they can vary dramatically when compared to that of teachers. To see this range of viewpoints, Upper Perk High School students and teachers were asked various questions about social media.

Popular social media platforms among the students were Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Vine. Each of the students differed in how often they went…

View original post 541 more words

College Board Exam Preparation

PSAT Booklet

Pictured is the Official Student Guide to the PSAT.

The College Board Exams include the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), and Advanced Placement Test (AP). For many students the purpose for these exams can seem somewhat confusing, and deciphering how to prepare can be even more so. This article will briefly outline each of the above tests, and give tips and words of advice to students taking these exams. Read the rest of this entry