Farewell Post


Today is one of the last days of the semester which means soon enough I will no longer have Journalism as a class. Although I have always wanted to maintain a blog like this one, I know that it is unlikely that I will uphold LaureNews for too long into next semester, however I will keep the blog on the “interwebs” for as long as I see fit. This post will act as the final goodbye to the LaureNews blog (and dare I say community?).

I’d have to say maintaining a blog has taught me a lot. Namely it’s extremely difficult to make a successful one. Luckily that wasn’t the ultimate goal of this blog. The only people who diligently read this blog were, as the Homepage says people in my journalism class or people who knew me. I did still try to put up my best work ’cause who knows when this will come back to haunt me.

In regards to my fellow Journalism classmates (and teacher): This was my favorite class in this semester and arguably in high school so far. You guys always made class interesting and fun with the random conversations and off-topic subjects (Aubrey I’m looking at you). I’ll truly miss Journalism next semester and I hope we’ll have classes together again eventually. Mackenzie, Abby, and Eva I’ll be seeing you in social studies all year, so see ya next week. Good luck to JonHeather, and Louisa in the rest of your senior year! I’ll be sure to play Pomp and Circumstance extra loud for you at graduation this year :). Quatrani I hope your next Journalism class is as awesome as we were.

I’m sure one day I’ll probably start another blog, and I still have my English blog, but I don’t believe I’ll have the same enthusiasm and work ethic as I had with this blog. Until next time this is farewell to LaureNews, or maybe even a see you soon!

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